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Category Archives for "SEO"

Linkable Assets

The thing with ranking in Google you need quality backlinks. But the question I get all the time from customers and potential customers is how do you get backlinks? There are many approaches to this but 1 thing that we find works time after time is building a linkable asset. I hear you say what […]

Google PageRank Is Retiring

google pagerank is DEAD - John Mueller

​ Sounds like Google Page Rank is finally dead this time. With them also recommend https which also hides Page Rank – Google are wishing to further obscure what is working and what is not. With Google also strongly discouraging Guest Blogging – where people hunt down with website with high Page Rank and then […]

Free SEO Icon Set

56 icons with the free seo icon set

Needing a Free SEO Icon Set for you website? Well we have the answer for you! This free icon set is available for personal and commercial use – the only requirement is you provide attribution to our website and your good to go with this icon set. SEO Icon Set It’s ideal for Internet Marketing […]

Finally a Google PageRank Update

Google Toolbar PageRank Update

So Google has finally done a Google PageRank Tool Bar Update. I honestly thought there would never be another update considering Google was aware there was an issue, that was stopping them being able to release a PageRank update. And they decided to do nothing about it for months. The funny thing about the Google […]

SEO Brisbane Website Traffic

CPC Cost of $25 for SEO Brisabne

How much traffic is there with the term SEO Brisbane? So how popular is SEO Brisbane as a search term? Is it really worth the effort to win the traffic? What would be the process to win such a term. The following article will show you the process we follow to identify the search volume, […]