Watch How to Rank a Page in Google
There are 2 parts to SEO, there is the off page – which are links back to your content and than there is on page. Which is optimising your content so you have a chance to rank in Google – if you get this part wrong, nothing else will matter. So the big question is How to Rank a Page in Google. It's not as difficult as you may think. As we show you how to with the article "Need a Google Apps Coupon Code".
6 Important Factors in How to Rank a Page in Google
1. Pick and Choose your Keywords as not all keywords are made equal. Tools like Google Keyword Planner will help you identify traffic volumes, amount people spend in Google AdWords to acquire the traffic.
2. Insert the keywords into the H1 tag – the Title of the Page if you don’t do this you have no chance of getting the page to rank
3. I like to have the keyword in the first paragraph and SEO Yoast also suggests this. I’d suggested you look at installing SEO Yoast on your website if it is a WordPress site. As it rates the page from an SEO point of view.
4. Include H2 tags on the page with the keyword. All this means is use sub heading.
5. Now every article should have an image as straight text is boring. Including images has 2 positive factors. 1 They break up the content and 2 you are able to name the image with your keyword or phrase.
6. Finally include the keywords a few times throughout the article. People will ask what keyword density should I have – eg 2%. Which means in every 100 words you have the keyword twice. There is no exact rule on this – just make the content read well and don’t over use the keyword. As over use will have a negative factor.
We published an article on Monday about Google Apps Coupon Code and created a video at the time on how to rank the article using the 6 steps mentioned above.
The page ranked at position 21 initially. After this we added 1 internal link to the page and it went to position 18 the next day. It will be interesting to see what occurs post this article with the rankings of Google Apps Coupon Code. As few internal links will certainly help improve the rankings.