Social Media Trends 2016 - Project Management and Development - Digital Services - Premium IT Solutions

Social Media Trends 2016

Watching out for Social Media Trends in 2016 will definitely keep your business on it's toes as the half-a-decade platform is quickly replacing more traditional communication and media channels. So we've put together a "Social Media Trends 2016 Infographic", as everyone loves an infographic.

The newest terms of online business mean reaching potential clients via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linked In, Google Plus and a whole lot of other social networks designed to fit varying products and services.

Social Media Trends 2016 Infographic

Social Media Trends 2016

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<div style="clear:both"><a href=""><img src="//" border="0" /></a></div><div>Courtesy of: <a href="">Premium IT Solutions</a></div>

The scope of coverage of Social Media is pushing Digital Marketers to the boundaries in the development of fresher marketing techniques. Thinking out of the box is very much applicable this year.

It is not going to be easy for the newbie Digital Marketer, nor will it be smooth sailing even for the veteran as Social Media increasingly becomes the go-to communication and marketing platform.

But all things considered, it promises to be a fun year for social media in 2016 as the ever changing platform gives us our fair share of adrenalin rush with exciting changes.

We mined the predictions of Digital Marketing Influencers so you can have this summary at what’s in store for Social Media Management and Marketing this 2016.

1. Twitter Your Value

The 140-character limit of Twitter is expected to make even more sense in 2016 as people are getting more mobile with their gadgets.

Your business value should be tweeted, retweeted, liked, followed by both influencers and potential paying customers who are all already on Twitter.

2. Keep Facebook Working for You

Facebook still has the most number of users but its usefulness as a marketing platform has decreased dramatically as the platform has limited organic reach of your posts in the name of paid Facebook Advertising.

It’s time to follow the golden rule: Don’t put all your budget eggs in the Facebook basket. Facebook still has marketing value to your business for now but unless it makes a dramatic turnaround on its greediness then it will be on its way out of the marketing circle.

3. Have Fun with Newer Platforms

People prefer visuals and this will again dictate the digital strategy on social media in 2016 and beyond.

Content is still king for web marketing but it’s the image or video accompanying and illustrating what you’ve posted that will attract the most attention of your potential customer.

Get creative and experiment with promoting your business with images on Instagram, Pinterest, and recorded or streaming video on Snapchat, Periscope, Blab, You Tube, even Facebook video. You’ll have personal fun and your business reach will happily grow with you.

4. Definitely Go Mobile

If your website is not yet designed for mobile accessibility then it should be first on your to-do list for 2016.

With about 6 billion smart phones and tablets now being used to access the internet via social media instead of the usual desktop/laptop computer, your business simply cannot afford to lose potential clients if your website is not mobile-friendly.

For you to stay up to date with the fast-pace of social media changes you need to download the apps for your various social media platforms.

Even better if you get a mobile app created for your products and services for easy downloading and use by customers.

5. Social Media Integration

What do you do with all the insights and data you gather from your social media accounts? Now that Social Media is firmly seen as a media channel and not a marketing strategy in itself, 2016 is the year Social Media will be integrated with all other marketing platforms to create and develop your Digital Strategy to increase satisfaction of user experience with your products and services.

Businesses would do well to be mindful of these Social Media Trends for 2016. Your business needs to adapt to the changing times to keep your audience within your reach. When they move to the newest social media site your company should also be there.

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